Dena Bain Taylor

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The year is 542 and the great king Beowulf is midway in life between slaying the monster Grendel and his fatal battle with a dragon…

A Message from Dena


Dena Bain Taylor has spent most of her life in Toronto, Canada, pursuing her joint passions: music and books. She is a classically-trained singer. She is also a writer, critic, tv script advisor, and erstwhile owner of Ben Abraham Books (specializing in the occult).

Bones & Keeps


The year is 542 AD and the great king Beowulf is midway in life between slaying the monster Grendel and his fatal battle with a dragon. As he does every autumn, he leaves the complications of his keep to wander his kingdom on the west coast of Sweden. He returns just in time to hear his doom pronounced by his sister Skuld, the most powerful witch-queen of her generation. At the same timeβ€”by luck, coincidence or fateβ€”a seafaring woman arrives from the far south, escaping the plague that grips the city of Alexandria and threatens to destroy the Byzantine Empire.

 Poster & Bookmark Giveaway


Sign up to Dena’s newsletter for a chance to win orginal artwork of Bones and Keeps by artist Martin Springett (signed by artist and author)

Original Artwork by Martin Springett (Click to Enlarge)


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Bookmark designs by Martin Springett




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